In 2006 the couple took out a$ 300,000 second mortgage and hired a posse of nutritionists and a manufacturing expert. 2006年,夫妇二人申请到了30万美元的次级贷款,聘请了数名营养师和一名生产专家。
In 2007 and again this year, measures were introduced to make speculative house-buying less attractive – this year the policies have included higher down payments for mortgages on second and third homes and increasing the mortgage rates for second homes. 2007年和今年,中国出台了相关措施,以降低投机性购房的吸引力。今年的措施包括提高第二套及以上住房的房贷首付款,以及提高第二套房的按揭利率。
Because I bought out the second mortgage on your gym. 你来是因为我要收购你的健身馆。
To let you know that the second mortgage is coming due on your house. 让你知道你们的二胎抵押贷款已到期。
However, that is only one form of a second mortgage. 不过,这只是其中的第二按揭形式。
However, if you sell your home or refinance, you will have to pay off your second mortgage. 不过,如果你或你的家出售转,你要还清你的第二按揭。
Met representatives of the coalition of sandwich class housing to discuss the problem of negative equity, interest rate for second mortgage loans and penalties. 与夹屋大联盟的代表会面,讨论有关负资产问题和二按息率及罚款的问题。
A mortgage, a second mortgage, a home improvement loan, two car loans and6 or8 credit card bills each month. 每月要还一期贷款,二期贷款,一项住房保障贷款,两个购车贷款和6到8个信用卡账单。
Also, a second mortgage generally has a fixed rate and fixed monthly payments. 此外,第二按揭,一般有一个固定利率和固定每月付款。
He took a second mortgage out on his house. 他曾经用他的房子已经做了第二次抵押。
Recently, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other parts of the city's second mortgage policy loosening. 最近,武汉、广州、上海等部分城市的第二套房贷政策出现松动。
In exchange for agreeing to a loss on the initial loan, primary lenders are guaranteed a minimum pay-out while the second mortgage would be wiped out. 为了换取第一贷款人同意接受最初贷款亏损,他们得到保证,当第二按揭被勾销时,他们可以收到一个最低偿付额。
Other measures to cool the market include higher down-payment requirements for second homes, an end to discounted mortgage rates, restrictions on bank lending to developers and a requirement that 70 per cent of land sales by local governments be set aside for low-income housing. 冷却市场的其它措施包括:提高第二套住宅的首付比例、终止执行抵押贷款折扣利率、限制面向开发商的银行放贷,以及要求地方政府销售的土地70%用于建设保障型住房。
Second mortgage installment loans are one such viable option. 第二按揭分期付款贷款是这样一个可行的选择。
The last thing I want is to saddle myself with a second mortgage. 我最不乐意的事就是再背上一笔抵押贷款。
The second part presents the establishment of the mortgage of maximum amount. 第二部分研究了最高额抵押权的设定。
Research on the Creation of Mortgage for Co-owner Ship The second part presents the establishment of the mortgage of maximum amount. 共有船舶抵押权设定中的法律问题第二部分研究了最高额抵押权的设定。
The second section analyses effect of Residential Mortgage Loan Insurance from four different positions, such as positions of loan provider, housing buyer, etc. 第二部分从社会经济发展、购房者、抵押贷款发放机构以及保险公司等不同的角度,分析了个人住房抵押贷款保险的作用。
The first-class market of housing mortgage credit is a creative process, the second-class market aims at selling mortgage and reselling mortgage, it also provides the first& class market with long-term and stable funds. 住房贷款抵押一级市场是抵押贷款活动的创造过程,二级市场是指销售抵押和转售抵押。二级市场可以为一级市场提供稳定长期的资金来源。
The second one is whether undividablil'rty of mortgage can be applied to mortgage of ship. 第二个问题是抵押权的“不可分性”是否适用于船舶抵押权。
Second, legal property analysis of the mortgage system; 按揭制度的法律性质探析;
Nowadays, China has basically had a feasibility of setting up a second-class market of housing credit mortgage, here we '11 discuss three choices for it. 我国目前基本具备了建立住房贷款抵押级市场的可行条件,要建立的住房抵押贷款级市场有三种方式可以选择。
The second chapter describes the process of the mortgage securitization, analyzes the operating mechanism of it, and explains the innovate theory of the MBS. 第二章通过对住房抵押贷款证券化过程的描述,以及对住房抵押贷款证券化运行机理的分析,阐述了MBS的创新原理。
The second part is the analysis of advancing Mortgage Backed Securitization in China. 第二部分我国发展住房抵押贷款证券化分析。
July 2007, the central government issued a "second mortgage", the government become to strengthen control the property market. The real estate industry has entered a period of adjustment. 2007年7月,中央政府发布二次房贷实施细则,标志着政府加强了对房地产市场的宏观调控,房地产业进入了调整期。
The second part, floating mortgage realization, the floating charge is determined, including crystallization, crystallization of the effectiveness of such matters. 第二部分,浮动抵押的实现,阐述浮动抵押的确定,包括结晶的事由、结晶的效力等。
The first instance is the sell of the enacted hypothec commercial housing; the second, the sold-house are used to mortgage with the third person. 第一种情况是已经设定抵押权的商品房出售,第二种情况是商品房出卖给买受人后又与第三人进行抵押。
Second, mortgage hypothesis invalid law risk. 二是抵押权设定无效的法律风险。
Second to foreign housing reverse mortgage loan operation mechanism and operation process were analyzed, and hope to can make the beneficial reference. 其次对国外住房反向抵押贷款的运行机制和运作流程进行分析,希望从中能够取得有益的参考。